Friday 22 August 2008

The Symptoms of Menopause - What you can expect

If you’re just now entering menopause or approaching that age, you’ve probably started wondering if all the rumors are about hot flashes, loss of libido, and weight gain are true. Certainly they’re exaggerated, right? Well, there’s always hope. For most women, though, at least a few of the typical symptoms of menopause do show up. Here’s a little of what you can expect as you enter menopause.

Irregular periods
This is usually the first and probably the most obvious sign that something about your hormone levels has changed. Women going through menopause and perimenopause may experience missing or more frequent periods, heavy periods, longer periods or a combination. Like menarche, it’s largely an individual thing, though what your mother experienced can give you some indication of what’s in store for you.

Hot flashes and night sweats
The butt of so many menopause jokes and cartoons, hot flashes and night sweats are one of the better known symptoms of menopause, yet few women know exactly what causes them.

During menopause, your hormone levels become unbalanced and this fools your body’s heat-regulating system into thinking you’re too warm. To dispel this extra warmth, your body sends out signals to increase your heart rate and open your sweat glands, giving you a rush of heat and perspiration.

Vaginal dryness
Estrogen is what keeps the membranes in your vaginal area moist, supple, and at a pH level that wards of bacterial infection. With less estrogen in your body, these membranes dry out and become thinner. Not only is it uncomfortable, it also puts you at greater risk for yeast and urinary tract infections.

Weight gain
Weight gain around the stomach area is another common problem many women deal with during and after menopause. Less estrogen is being produced in the usual manner, your body starts looking for other ways to create it. Since body fat is the next best place to create estrogen, your body starts deliberately packing on more fat as a way to pick up your falling estrogen levels.
Another cause is water retention. This leads to edema (swelling) in the legs, arms and abdomen. While physical changes do play a part, poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle don’t exactly help.

Bladder control problems
One of the most frustrating symptoms of menopause is frequent urination and a weak bladder. This problem comes from the fact that estrogen also helps keep the lining of the bladder and the urethra healthy. Without enough estrogen, these muscles weaken can you end up with a bladder control problem.

Sound like enough problems? Well, unfortunately, this isn’t a complete list. Some women also experience thinning hair, facial hair growth, trouble sleeping (a major problem for many), and mood swings. The good news, though, is that all of these symptoms have proven-effective natural treatments available that can help reduce the discomfort and inconvenience they cause. These include things like herbal remedies that support the female reproductive system, stress-management techniques like mediation, and natural hormone replacement treatments make from plant estrogens.

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